Sunday, March 30, 2008

Google Quick Tip #7

Can't remember how to say "lungs" in Spanish? Have no fear, Google translator is here!


  1. Click on the Language Tools link to the right of the search box
  2. Type in the word or phrase you want to translate in the Translate text box
  3. In the dropdown menu below the box, select the language you want to translate to
  4. Click on the Translate button
As best as it can, Google will translate the word/phrase you entered.

There are a vast number of languages to choose from: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

For starters, type in the phrase Where is the pain? and translate it from English to Spanish.

This tool is a guaranteed great way to replace any dull moments of a day!


  1. The Google language tool came in handy to answer a request for smoking cessation information in Russian. I wanted to find out from the Russian speaker if it was really idiomatic Russian or if it was just a word-for-word translation(idiotic Russian)but I never was able to get any feedback.

  2. This is a great tool. Thanks!
