Twiddling your thumbs and wanting something to read that's not just today's headline news? How about getting your hands on some magazines to pass the time?!
Since December 2008, Google has made available archived and current issues of popular magazines that you can browse on the web. There is no comprehensive list of magazine titles. By clicking the browser's Refresh button several times, you can see the covers of several of the magazines.
Example of some magazines currently available:Popular Science, Ebony, New York, Women's Health, Baseball Digest, Popular Mechanics, Runner's World, Better Nutrition, Organic Gardening
You can browse page by page of these fully scanned issues.
When viewing an issue, in the right column is a link to the Contents and Browse All Issues
If you have an iPhone or other mobile device that lets you surf the Internet, let me know if you can browse these magazines. In the meantime, if you'd like to know the foods to eat to boost your energy as a runner, peruse these pages.
View this short narrated video to see the features of browsing magazines in Google.